Trauma Informed Coach and Consultant

Helping people who have experienced relational betrayal navigate life, heal, and intentionally grow using a partner-sensitive, holistic model of support.

Helping adults who grew up in families affected by alcoholism and addiction live authentically.

New Help.Her.Heal. Group Begins March 10, 2024


If you’ve been affected by your partner’s chronic lies, affairs, pornography use or sexual compulsivity, you are not alone, and healing is possible.

Relational, emotional, and sexual betrayal are more common than you may realize. The discovery that your loved one has not shared the full truth of who they are with you can be devastating. If you have been betrayed sexually by your intimate partner, I have deep compassion for you and believe in your strength to recover and grow. It’s time to care for yourself, claim your personal power, heal, and grow. Curate the life you want and reimagine new opportunities.



As a trauma-informed coach, I help my clients claim and navigate the brave space between the life they planned and the life they’re living.

In the past, betrayed partners received the label of co-addict or enabler because treatment professionals assumed the betrayed partner knew about and somehow contributed to the addict’s acting out behaviors. As your coach, I will not give you a label that adds to your trauma, pain, and shame. I will listen to you compassionately and respectfully. Often my clients need support for betrayal trauma and help creating a road map for healing regardless of the status of their primary relationship.

Using a holistic, trauma-sensitive, strengths-based approach, we will partner together to develop healing strategies, so you are empowered to consciously create a purposeful life you choose and love.

One Braver Life is a safe, shame-free space for all. I understand the spiritual part of life, and as a trained Pastoral Care Specialist, I’m happy to integrate spiritual care into your coaching if you desire.

As a trauma-informed coach, I do not treat a client’s trauma. I work with a client’s trauma, so my training, coaching techniques, and business practices are trauma-sensitive and designed to support the best recovery outcomes for my clients. I specialize in working with clients who’ve experienced betrayal trauma, using the Multidimensional Trauma model developed by APSATS, the Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma specialists.    

No matter where you are in your journey through relatonal betrayal, One Braver Life is a safe place to obtain support.

  • For clients in the initial trauma and shock of betrayal, I can help you create a roadmap to reestablish personal safety and stability and identify your first steps towards empowerment and healing. I’ll help you identify the boundaries you want, locate and evaluate recovery resources, manage triggers and trauma reactions, create self-care strategies, learn mindfulness and grounding techniques, and offer you strategies to gain the clarity you need to decide about your well-being.

  • At any point in your journey, I can support you in preparing for Formal Guided Disclosure.

  • If you’re a few years past discovery and feel stuck but ready to explore new perspectives in your growth journey, I can help you become aware of and change old beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you. Together; we can brainstorm and evaluate options for empowerment and growth.

  • For those later in their healing and recovery from betrayal trauma and grief, coaching can be a powerful way to reawaken one’s imagination for life and grow after trauma. It’s time for fresh visions, dreams, and goals.

  • In all stages of healing, I support clients with strategies to manage trauma, self-care skills, psychoeducation, and deep caring.

“The best way out is always through.”

Robert Frost

 From Trauma to Empowerment to Growth, I’m with You Every Step of the Way.

Individual and Couples Coaching

Linda is a Certified Partner Coach through APSATS and offers coaching support using the APSATS multidimensional partner betrayal care model. Linda also offers full coaching services for Formal Guided Disclosure and Early Couple Recovery Empathy Model (ERCEM) coaching for couples in recovery together.

Core Energy™ Coaching

Linda is a certified Core Energy™ Coach. This unique methodology focused on getting to the root (or “core”) of an individual’s challenges by identifying and shifting inner thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that block a client’s success. From this place, they can reduce stress, sustainably connect with their purpose and passion, and experience more fulfillment in all areas of life.

Energy Leadership™ Index

Linda is a certified Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner and is qualified to debrief this unique assessment. This proprietary, research-backed assessment tool takes something abstract, like the way a person views the world, and turns it into something tangible—a metric that you can see and feel and even reevaluate in the future.